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Research, Studies, Articles, News & Links

This is where you'll find all of the most up-to-date studies and articles in the world of psychoactive fungi, everything from new discoveries in undescribed species and how they're related, to their uses in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and other medicinal/therapeutic uses.

Know Your Stuff NZ

Introducing KnowYourStuffNZ - Champions of Harm Reduction


At Psilver Linings NZ, we are proud to collaborate with KnowYourStuffNZ, a dedicated community organization driven by a passionate team of volunteers.


KnowYourStuffNZ is an integral part of Aotearoa's reputable and government-funded drug-checking program, working alongside the Needle Exchange and the New Zealand Drug Foundation. Their mission is to ensure the well-being of individuals and revolves around providing essential harm reduction services, including licensed drug checking services, at events throughout New Zealand.


KnowYourStuffNZ shows its unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals by offering these vital services free of charge. Their dedication to the community and their proactive approach to harm reduction aligns perfectly with our core values at Psilver Linings NZ.


Through our collaboration with KnowYourStuffNZ, we aim to amplify impact and promote responsible usage of psychoactive mushrooms by providing comprehensive resources and education to our valued audience. Together, we strive to create a safer and more informed environment for individuals interested in exploring the benefits of psychoactive mushrooms.


Their site is filled with LOADS of great harm reduction information so head on over to now to check out what they're up to!”

keeping-safer-under-summer-skies - An image of a KnowYourStuffNZ Harm Reduction campaign banner featured on the Psilver Linings NZ Mushroom Identification website
An image of a splitstree of various genetic collections of Psilocybe species in Section Cyanescens put together by Dr. Alistair McTaggart

It's all subs???

For those of you who may be interested, we now have some genetic evidence that Psilocybe cyanescens and Psilocybe azurescens might be synonymous with Psilocybe subaeruginosa, and simply just phenotypes of the latter. And, therefore, were introduced to the northern hemisphere from Australia. 

We can even say that it looks like Psilocybe cyanescens was introduced from Victoria, and Psilocybe azurescens possibly from NSW.

Congratulations to Alistair McTaggart for some great work. Linked below is a video presentation, as well as a link to his blog where his finds are published.

Is Microdosing Harmful to Emotions and Cognitive Function?

That's a question that the below study set out to find the answer to! Read the findings of the study, linked below in downloadable pdf format.

Harm Reduction information and studies on microdosing Psilocybin mushrooms
A positive quote photographic art piece by Beau Ewen of Psilver Linings NZ - "The pains you carry don't define you"

Could Psilocybin Treatments Benefit Psychiatric Disorders?

The below study poses that question and finds some interesting results. Click the link to find out more:

Analysis of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy in Medicine: A Narrative Review

Could Psilocybin Be Used In Place Of SSRI's? 

Click below to read the findings of a study titled "Increased global integration in the brain after psilocybin therapy for depression" that touches on this question, among others, and find out!

An impression of a person having a psychedelic experience with psychoactive mushrooms by Beau Ewen of Psilver Linings NZ, featured on their website as a thumbnail for a research paper on magic mushrooms in replacement of SSRI's
"Grow Through What You Go Through" A photgrahic art piece by Beau Ewen of Psilver Linings NZ. featured with a study on the therapeutic potential of psilocybin

The Therapeutic Potential of Psilocybin

This study looks at some of the potential benefits of Psilocybin and its different uses through history in different settings and talks about possible outcomes for the future of psilocybin as a powerful tool to assist in alleviating various health ailments of their symptoms, while also being a powerful tool to assist in psychotherapy. Click below to find out more..

Psilocybin as a Tool to Fight Major Depressive Disorder & Treatment Resistant Depression

Click below to read the study titled "Single-dose psilocybin-assisted therapy in major depressive disorder: a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomised clinical trial" which shows decreases in symptom severity of depressive conditions when Psilocybin is used as a tool to fight them..

"A journey in itself" A photographic art piece by Beau Ewen of Psilver Linings NZ. Featured with an article showing the results on a study using Psilocybin as a treatment for major depressive disorder
A stock image of red wine featured with a research paer on the effects of psilocybin on alcoholism

Psilocybin and Alcohol?

Mixing substances isn't a good idea, But could Psilocybin help people that have issues dealing with their alcohol habits? A few studies suggest so. Read the findings of one of these studies linked below titled "Percentage of Heavy Drinking Days Following Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy vs Placebo in the Treatment of Adult Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder" 

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