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Micro-Dosing Harm Reduction

This page is not to be taken as stand-alone advice but is to be read in conjunction with the information found on our other pages in the "Harm Reduction" drop-down menu, to better facilitate safer practices.

Microdosing psilocybin, the active compound found in magic mushrooms, has gained attention for its potential therapeutic benefits. While it is important to acknowledge that psilocybin-containing mushrooms are illegal in New Zealand, It is also important to recognize that as the results of more and more studies are being published from overseas, and more individuals that have reaped benefits from this medicine tell their stories, there has been a massive rise in popularity in these treatments. With that in mind, we will endeavour to provide harm reduction guidelines for individuals that are looking towards alternative treatments and are adamant about exploring micro-dosing as a potential treatment despite the legal implications. With careful consideration and responsible practices, micro-dosing can be approached more safely.


One popular micro-dosing approach is the Stamets Stack, developed by renowned mycologist Paul Stamets. Let's delve into the details of the Stamets Stack, its dosing regime, the importance of tolerance breaks, and harm reduction strategies for those who choose to microdose responsibly.


Mushrooms that contain psilocybin are classified as a Class A substance in NZ. Possession of mushrooms containing psilocybin and psilocin (the compounds which cause their psychedelic effects) risks six months in prison. Cultivating or supplying them is risking lifetime imprisonment.

Harm Reduction Guidelines for Exploring Micro-dosing with Psilocybin Inclusive Stacks

Understanding the Stamets Stack: The Stamets Stack involves combining psilocybin with other natural supplements to potentially amplify its effects. This combination aims to enhance cognitive function, mood regulation, creativity, and overall well-being. The core ingredients of the Stamets Stack typically include mushrooms containing psilocybin (or a psilocybin-containing product), Lion's Mane mushroom, and niacin (vitamin B3).

Dosing Regime: The dosing regime for the Stamets Stack follows a specific schedule. While individual preferences may vary, a common approach is to take the stack for four consecutive days, followed by three days of rest. Other commonly seen variations to this regime are five days on then two days off, or a "Mon, Weds, Fri" dose day regime. Tolerance to psilocybin builds quickly so the off days are just as important as the on days. A longer tolerance break of a week or more (commonly two weeks) once every 4-6 weeks is also beneficial to allow your brain chemistry and tolerance levels to reset to baseline completely. The typical dosages used in the Stamets Stack are as follows:

Psilocybin: The recommended dosage in the Stamets Stack is sub-perceptual, meaning it is below the threshold for inducing psychedelic effects. This generally ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 grams of dried mushrooms for dung-lovers and half that amount for wood-lovers, or an equivalent amount of a psilocybin-containing product. It's important to start with a low dose and gradually adjust according to personal sensitivity and desired effects. If you feel notable effects then you haven't taken a micro-dose!

Lion's Mane Mushroom: Lion's Mane is known for its potential cognitive benefits, including improved focus, memory, and mental clarity. It is typically taken in capsule or powder form, with a recommended dosage of 500 to 1000 milligrams per day.

Niacin (Vitamin B3): Included in the Stamets Stack to enhance blood flow and facilitate nutrient delivery to the brain, the recommended dosage is usually 100 to 200 milligrams per day.


Benefits of the Stamets Stack: The Stamets Stack hypothetically offers several potential benefits when used responsibly and in conjunction with a balanced lifestyle. Some of the major advantages reported by people who micro-dose include:


Cognitive Enhancement: Microdosing psilocybin in combination with Lion's Mane mushroom may support improved cognitive function, including enhanced focus, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.


Mood Regulation: Microdosing may hypothetically help stabilize mood and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Users often report an increased sense of emotional well-being, enhanced empathy, and reduced stress levels.


Neuroplasticity and Learning: Psilocybin has been associated with increased neuroplasticity, which may enhance the brain's ability to adapt and learn. Lion's Mane mushroom further supports cognitive plasticity and neurogenesis, potentially facilitating mental growth and development.


Energy and Motivation: The combination of psilocybin, Lion's Mane, and niacin may hypothetically provide a natural boost in energy levels and motivation, leading to increased productivity and engagement in daily activities.

Tolerance Breaks: To maintain the effectiveness of microdosing, it is important to incorporate tolerance breaks into your regimen. A short-term tolerance break of at least two days once a week allows the body to reset and avoid the buildup of tolerance to psilocybin. Additionally, a longer-term tolerance break of at least a week or more once every six weeks is recommended. These breaks ensure that the effects of microdosing remain potent and prevent diminishing returns over time.

Harm Reduction Guidelines for Microdosing: When engaging in micro-dosing, it is crucial to prioritize safety, responsibility, and harm reduction. Here are some additional guidelines to follow:

Start with a low dose: Beginning with around 0.1 to 0.3 grams of dried mushrooms if dosing dung-lovers or half that amount with wood-lovers would be recommended. Aim for a sub-perceptual experience without significant psychoactive effects.

Maintain consistency: Microdosing is best done over an extended period, such as a few weeks, to experience the cumulative benefits. Consistency is key for observing the effects and adjusting dosages accordingly.

Niacin Flush: Niacin may cause a flushing sensation characterized by warmth, redness, tingling, prickling, or itching in the skin. This "niacin flush" occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels. If the niacin flush is not experienced, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage or consider the quality of the niacin supplement.

Conclusion: Microdosing psilocybin with the Stamets Stack can be a transformative experience when approached with mindfulness and responsibility. By understanding the dosing regime, incorporating tolerance breaks, and following harm reduction guidelines, individuals can hypothetically explore the potential benefits of micro-dosing while minimizing potential risks. It is crucial to note that the hypothetical information provided in this article does not constitute a recommendation to engage in illegal activities. Always abide by the laws of your jurisdiction and consult with a healthcare professional for legal and safe alternatives.

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